Dump processing
Request a dump by one of the following calls:
Extract the
field value from the call response. The value has the download link for the dump.ℹ️The dump size can exceed 2 GB. -
Download the dump.
Decompress the dump using official instruments.
ℹ️The decompressed dump size can exceed 20 GB.If the dump size is large, it is recommended to implement dumps decompression solution on your side. Some implementation examples are presented below.
Sync code example in Python
1# Install the dependency
2from zstandard import ZstdDecompressor
3import json
6def parse_dump(filename: str) -> None:
7 # Open the dump
8 with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
9 dctx = ZstdDecompressor()
10 with dctx.stream_reader(fh) as reader:
11 previous_line = ""
12 while True:
13 # Read the dump by 16 MB chunks
14 chunk = reader.read(2 ** 24)
15 if not chunk:
16 break
17 raw_data = chunk.decode("utf-8")
18 # Read the hotels’ JSONs one by one
19 lines = raw_data.split("\n")
20 for i, line in enumerate(lines[:-1]):
21 if i == 0:
22 line = previous_line + line
23 hotel_data = json.loads(line)
24 # Implememnt your logic with the hotel data
25 # ...
26 print(f"current hotel is {hotel_data['name']}")
27 previous_line = lines[-1]
30if __name__ == "__main__":
31 parse_dump("dump_en.json.zst")
Async code example in Python
1import asyncio
3# Install the dependency
4from zstandard import ZstdDecompressor
5import json
6from asyncio import Semaphore
9class Decoder:
10 def __init__(self, semaphore_value: int) -> None:
11 # Create the semaphore that restricts the number of active coroutines
12 self.sem = Semaphore(semaphore_value)
13 self._raw = []
15 # The function processes raw hotel data
16 async def _process_raw_hotels(self) -> None:
17 raw_hotels = self._raw[1:]
18 raw_hotels = [self._raw[0]] + [
19 "".join(t) for t in zip(raw_hotels[::2], raw_hotels[1::2])
20 ]
21 await self._process_hotel(*raw_hotels)
23 # The function works with raw hotel byte data
24 async def _process_hotel(self, *raw_hotels: str) -> None:
25 for h in raw_hotels:
26 hotel_data = json.loads(h)
27 # Implememnt your logic with the hotel data
28 # ...
29 print(f"current hotel is {hotel_data['name']}")
31 # The function works with with raw chunks
32 async def _process_chunk(self, chunk: bytes) -> None:
33 raw_data = chunk.decode("utf-8")
34 # Read the hotels’ JSONs one by one
35 lines = raw_data.split("\n")
36 for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:-1]):
37 if i == 0:
38 # Put the last line to the raw list
39 self._raw.append(lines[0])
40 await self._process_hotel(line)
42 # Put the last line to the raw list
43 self._raw.append(lines[-1])
44 # Increment the semaphore value
45 self.sem.release()
47 # The function parses the dump
48 async def parse_dump(self, filename: str) -> None:
49 # Open the dump
50 with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
51 dctx = ZstdDecompressor()
52 with dctx.stream_reader(fh) as reader:
53 while True:
54 # Read the dump by 16 MB chunks
55 chunk = reader.read(2 ** 24)
56 if not chunk:
57 await self._process_raw_hotels()
58 break
59 # Decrement the semaphore value
60 await self.sem.acquire()
61 # Run immediately
62 asyncio.create_task(self._process_chunk(chunk))
65if __name__ == "__main__":
66 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
67 d = Decoder(semaphore_value=10)
68 loop.run_until_complete(d.parse_dump("dump_en.json.zst"))
Sync code example in Golang
1package main
2import (
3 "bytes"
4 "encoding/json"
5 "io"
6 "log"
7 "math"
8 "os"
9 // Install the dependency
10 "github.com/DataDog/zstd"
13// Not full struct
14type Hotel struct {
15 Name string `json:"name"`
18func parseDump(filename string) {
19 // Open the dump
20 file, err: = os.Open(filename)
21 if err != nil {
22 log.Fatal(err)
23 }
24 defer file.Close()
25 reader: = zstd.NewReader(file)
26 previousLine: = make([] byte, 0)
27 // Read the dump by 16 MB chunks
28 bufferSize: = make([] byte, int(math.Pow(2, 24)))
29 for {
30 n, readErr: = reader.Read(bufferSize)
31 if readErr != nil && readErr != io.EOF {
32 log.Fatal(readErr)
33 }
34 if readErr == io.EOF {
35 break
36 }
37 rawReadData: = bufferSize[: n]\
38 // Read the hotels’ JSONs one by one
39 lines: = bytes.Split(rawReadData, [] byte("\n"))
40 for i, line: = range lines[: len(lines) - 1] {
41 if i == 0 {
42 line = append(previousLine, line...)
43 }
44 // Unmarshal the current hotel JSON
45 var hotel Hotel
46 _ = json.Unmarshal(line, & hotel)
47 // Implememnt your logic with the hotel data
48 // ...
49 log.Printf("current hotel is %s", hotel.Name)
50 }
51 lastLine: = lines[len(lines) - 1]
52 previousLine = make([] byte, len(lastLine))
53 copy(previousLine, lastLine)
54 }
57func main() {
58 parseDump("dump_en.json.zst")
Async code example in Golang
1package main
2import (
3 "bytes"
4 "context"
5 "encoding/json"
6 "io"
7 "log"
8 "math"
9 "os"
10 "golang.org/x/sync/semaphore"
11 // Install the dependency
12 "github.com/DataDog/zstd"
15// The storage with raw data
16type Raw struct {
17 firstLine[] byte
18 lastLine[] byte
21// Not full struct
22type Hotel struct {
23 Name string `json:"name"`
26// The function copies raw data without memory leak
27func copySlice(slice[] byte)[] byte {
28 copiedSlice: = make([] byte, len(slice))
29 for i,
30 v: = range slice {
31 copiedSlice[i] = v
32 }
33 return copiedSlice
36// The function works with raw hotel byte data
37func processHotel(hotelRaw[] byte) {
38 // Unmarshal the hotel JSON
39 var hotel Hotel
40 err: = json.Unmarshal(hotelRaw, & hotel)
41 if err != nil {
42 log.Println(err)
43 }
44 // Implememnt your logic with the hotel data
45 // ...
46 log.Printf("current hotel is %s", hotel.Name)
49// The function works with with raw chunks
50func processChunk(chunk[] byte, sem * semaphore.Weighted, rawChan chan Raw) {
51 defer sem.Release(1)
52 lines: = bytes.Split(chunk, [] byte("\n"))
53 rawChan < -Raw {
54 firstLine: copySlice(lines[0]),
55 lastLine: copySlice(lines[len(lines) - 1]),
56 }
57 for _, line: = range lines[1: len(lines) - 1] {
58 processHotel(line)
59 }
62// The function processes raw hotel data
63func processRawHotels(raws[] Raw) {
64 for i, r: = range raws {
65 if i == 0 {
66 processHotel(r.firstLine)
67 continue
68 }
69 data: = append(raws[i - 1].lastLine, r.firstLine...)
70 processHotel(data)
71 }
74// The function parses the dump
75func parseDump(filename string) {
76 // Open the dump
77 file, err: = os.Open(filename)
78 if err != nil {
79 log.Fatal(err)
80 }
81 defer file.Close()
82 reader: = zstd.NewReader(file)
83 // Read the dump by 16 MB chunks
84 bufferSize: = make([] byte, int(math.Pow(2, 24)))
85 ctx: = context.Background()
86 // Set the weighted semaphore to maximum 10 async goroutines
87 var sem = semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(10))
88 // Make the storage firstLine and lastLine lines from a chunk
89 rawData: = make([] Raw, 0)
90 rawChan: = make(chan Raw)
91 isFinished: = false
92 for {
93 if isFinished {
94 break
95 }
96 n, readErr: = reader.Read(bufferSize)
97 if readErr != nil && readErr != io.EOF {
98 log.Fatal(readErr)
99 }
100 if readErr == io.EOF {
101 isFinished = true
102 }
103 rawReadData: = bufferSize[: n]
104 actualLine: = make([] byte, len(rawReadData))
105 copy(actualLine, rawReadData)
106 // Read the hotels’ JSONs one by one
107 _ = sem.Acquire(ctx, 1)
108 go processChunk(actualLine, sem, rawChan)
109 rawData = append(rawData, < -rawChan)
110 }
111 processRawHotels(rawData)
114func main() {
115 parseDump("dump_en.json.zst")