

The host:

The API key is the sequence of characters used to send API requests.

The ETG:

Sandbox environment

Use sandbox API keys only to book test hotels:

  • test_hotel_do_not_book.
  • test_hotel.

Production environment

Use the production API keys to book hotels available via the ETG API.

You may have several production API keys across different contracts.

API key structure

The API key structure consists of the two values: <KEY_ID>:<API_KEY>.

You can find the created API keys in the API section of your contract settings. Access to this section is provided for the Master account only.


API key ID. Use it as an HTTP Basic Authentication username.


API key access token. Use it as an HTTP Basic Authentication password.

Keep this value secret. Otherwise, a third party can see and use your data.

Request limits

Every endpoint has a limit to the number of requests. To change limits, contact your account manager.

The limit is specified in the corresponding header in the call response. The ETG specifies:

  • The limit to the number of requests per specified period.
  • The number of remaining requests per current period.
  • The timestamp of the limitation period expiration.


The seconds’ number of requests that can be executed within the X-RateLimit-RequestsNumber.


The maximum seconds number of requests that can be executed within the X-RateLimit-SecondsNumber.


The remaining seconds’ number of requests in the current period of the X-RateLimit-SecondsNumber.

The number is out of the X-RateLimit-RequestsNumber.


The date and time of expiration for the period of the X-RateLimit-SecondsNumber. In the UTC+0 time zone, seconds.

Limits example

"X-RateLimit-SecondsNumber": 1
"X-RateLimit-RequestsNumber": 10
"X-RateLimit-Remaining": 9
"X-RateLimit-Reset": "2018-08-14T08:54:11"